While thinking of buying an acoustic guitar, most guitarists get confused about whether they should opt for concert Guitars or Dreadnought guitars. Both the acoustic guitar has some unique feature which is slightly different from each other. Most of the masses sign up for Dreadnought although some people also prefer concert guitar because of its ideal size and excellent sound quality.

[su_highlight background=”#ffee4a”] The basic difference between Concert vs Dreadnought guitars, we will also point out the critical difference between the acoustic guitar and ultimately decide whether to go for Dreadnought or Concert guitar. [/su_highlight] In general, the essential difference lies in weigh, sound quality, finishing of the body and many more.

What is Dreadnought guitar?

Dreadnought type guitar is considered to be the most popular acoustic style guitar available in the market. Dreadnought has a huge body and has a bolder tone. Many guitarists use this guitar style to play different genre music like rock, jazz and many more. Dreadnought comes with average size & shapes with massive upper & lower bout and a skinny waist. This guitar has a great sound that produces in-depth music which quite pleasant to listen.

What is Concert Guitar?

These guitars are one of a kind acoustic that comes with steel strings. This type of acoustic guitar has a smaller body but produces a formulated sound. Most concert guitar comes in a compact design that has a shorter neck. Because of its smaller size, it cannot make a voluminous sound as a dreadnought acoustic produces. In general Concert, the guitar is lighter in weight and has magnificent sounds. Concert guitar size is one of the plus points as it produces brighter sound with that small body.

Differences between Dreadnought & Concert guitar: Concert vs Dreadnought guitars


 Dreadnought guitars come in gigantic shapes & sizes. Dreadnought comes with this specific kind of shape because of which they produce high-toned music. To enhance the projection & booming bass, one needs to increase the guitar’s length & depth.

As compared to Dreadnought guitar Concert guitar comes in smaller & compact size.


 The average weight of the Dreadnought guitar is five to six pounds. The weight of a guitar is also an essential factor. At the same time, the average weight of a Concert guitar is 2 to 3 pounds. The weight of a guitar determines what kind of material has been used to produce that particular guitar. The most common woods used for manufacturing the body of the guitar is Maple, Mahogany & last but not least is rosewood.


Dreadnought guitars can produce more resonant sound than any concert guitar. Because of the massive and broader body of dreadnought guitar, it efficiently produces intense sound.

 Concert guitars have a small body because it produces formulated sounds. The volume of the concert guitar lacks in-depth because it is unable to make a variety of music.


The playability of a guitar is determined through a guitarist. It is all about how it feels to your hand while playing any music. Does the fretboard of the guitar pluck to your finger? It is all about your comfort level.

Concert vs Dreadnought guitars both have their issues. Concert guitar is more comfortable to play as compared to dreadnought guitar. Because of the Concert guitar’s compact design, one can easily use this guitar to produce music.

Dreadnought guitar have quite a heck of a neck; many beginners might not tag along with this styled design because of bulky design. On the contrary, there is some guitarist who prefers to play in dreadnought guitars. In short playability of a guitar depends on the choice of the user. And it’s all about the comfort you feel while playing dreadnought or concert guitar.


This factor causes a massive difference between Concert & dreadnought guitars. Most Concert comes at an affordable range. Most of the excellent quality concert guitars cost up to $100 to $200.Dreadnought guitars are quite expensive than concert guitars. If you want to settle for a dreadnought guitar that comes at mediocre quality comes around $100, if you’re opting for classy dreadnought guitar, it will cost you around $3000.

Should I get a concert or dreadnought guitar?

Main Differences Between Dreadnought vs Concert Guitars is Dreadnought guitars are better for strumming, whereas concert guitars are better for finger playing. Dreadnought guitars have a broader body, whereas Concert guitars have a smaller body and have less low end.

Are concert guitars easier to play?

Yes, Concert Guitars are super easy to play.

Why are dreadnought guitars so popular?

 Major reason why Dreadnought Guitars are so popular because they are Bold & Big not only in size but also in Shape and Sound.

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Dreadnought Guitars

Fender FA – 100 Dreadnought Acoustic guitar


  • The product comes in Laminated wood
  • Rosewood is used for the fretboard
  • It has six strings


Suppose you’re having thoughts on buying best dreadnought guitar that you’re looking at the right product. Fender FA – 100 that produces high-quality sound with superb resonance. The fretboard is made of rosewood because one can play the guitar easily without putting a lot of strain on your fingers. One play different kind of music using this guitar. The primary material used for the Fender FA – 100 is spruce wood that provides good support & grip to a guitarist.

Oscar Schmidt OG2


  • This product comes in Laminated wood
  • Catalpa is used as back material
  • The neck of the guitar is made of good quality wood


The body of the guitar has an excellent finishing that gives a classy look to OG2. The 20 frets fingerboard is made of good quality rosewood, and the inlays come in white dots. The headstock consists of logo & 6 diecast turners. It will be an excellent pick for beginners as it gives a classy vibe to anyone who holds it. Moreover, it comes in affordable price that makes it best pick for anyone.

Martin D – 16GT


  • The primary material of the product is spruce
  • It has six strings
  • Mahogany is used as back material


The design of the guitar is one of the standout factors of this Martin D – 16GT. The method of the guitar defines elegance. Martin D – 16GT have some detail work & the polish of the guitar gives beautiful finishing to the guitar. This product is made of good quality material that makes this product highly durable. The fretboard comes with 20 frets and also has white dot inlays. This dreadnought guitar size is ideal for any expert guitarist.

Concert Guitars

Breedlove SOLO Concert


  • Top material of the product is Solid Red Cedar
  • The fretboard of the Breedlove Solo Concert is made of rosewood


This is one of best Concert acoustic guitar which produces powerful tones and equivalently comes at affordable price. Breedlove SOLO Concert comes with a unique design that stands out from other acoustic guitars. The finishing of the guitar is excellent. In general, the Breedlove Solo Concert is an excellent product which produces powerful music, and also the classy look of the guitar makes it worth it from every aspect. Moreover, it comes at an affordable price, so Breedlove SOLO Concert guitar is an ideal guitar for beginners.

Oscar Schmidt OU5 Concert Ukelele


  • Body of the guitar is made of Laminated Hawaiian Koa
  • The fretboard is made of rosewood


OU5 is a good quality guitar comes at an affordable price. The guitar comprises of minimalistic design which gives a classy look to the player who holds a guitar. The body of Oscar Schmidt OU5 Concert Ukelele fabricated from laminated Hawaiian koa. The fretboard comprises of 16 fret which is compost of rosewood.

Martin LX1 Little Martin


  • The body of the guitar is made of Sitka Spruce
  • 6 number of strings come with the guitar


This Martin LX1 Little Martin comprises the sturdy build, and it has not – cutaway body. Due to its compact size, it is ideal for playing soft-toned music. If you are looking for concert guitar that produces beautiful low-toned music, this might be the perfect choice for you. Suppose you’re a guitarist who has small hands or fingers than one should opt for this one.

Final verdict

In this brief overview between Concert vs Dreadnought guitars, which you should opt for totally depends on you. At first, one needs to determine which distinct qualities they want for their acoustic guitar. At first, one needs to pick up his signature music style. Like Dreadnought is ideal for music like pop, rock, jazz. Dreadnought guitars are also useful if you’re signing up for any music bands as dreadnought guitars have loud projection. Most advanced guitarist preferred to use dreadnought guitars, as this guitar has a louder tone and rich tune.

And if you’re a beginner, it is recommended to begin with a concert guitar. Because of its compact size, it is easier to hold. As a beginner getting comfortable with your guitar is the most crucial aspect. Other than all this one can choose for cutaways or no cutaways concert guitars.


In this article, we get familiarized with different elements of Concert vs Dreadnought guitars. For your convenience, we provided you with some classical guitars for both types. Hopefully, this guide has helped you gain insight and decide whether to go for dreadnought or concert guitar.

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